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YouTube Testimonials

Writer's picture: Ben Wardle Ben Wardle

Updated: Aug 22, 2024

A short selection of comments and feedback from viewers on YouTube. Revise for GCSE and A Level RE now at

“Wow you’re such a good teacher - you are so intelligent and engaging ! This is honestly the most helpful video I’ve ever watched 😅”




"Your videos and resources have been invaluable for my students and myself. I have been teaching for 21 years but have learnt so much from you, thank you!"

"Watching your philosophy, ethics and dct videos not only...helped [to] improve my grades but also helped me find a subject that i truly have a passion for. it sounds a bit silly when i say it out loud but it saved my life. it gave me something to look forward to and to be passionate about all because of your teaching. you are an incredible teacher, you kept your videos funny and repetitive so it sticks in the brain. you really are a star. you’re amazing. seriously. thank you for helping me survive a levels!"


“These videos are honestly so helpful! Currently studying A Level Religious studies and listen to your vids while I’m revising! Thank you so much xx”


“Your lessons are so engaging, entertaining, and educational. I have never come across such a good teacher. You’re so charismatic and spirited. You have helped me so much, especially as someone who doesn’t usually do this visual method of studying. Thank you so much for being here and sharing with us”


"Hello Sir you don't know me but I just wanted to say i was really worried about sitting my re gcse and thought that I wouldn't do the best. And so I began to watch your videos consistently over the past year and they have been indescribably helpful your approach to teaching was like no other and helped beyond words can explain. You made the quotes really easy to memorise and laid it out in such a straight forward way. I ended up getting a 9 today and I just wanted to thank you for all of your help keep up the amazing work you've helped me and thousands of others".

“From a grade 3 in mocks to a grade 9. All with your help, thank you.”

"You are amazing at teaching! :D Really inspirational!!! Thank you for helping students like me!"

“This is amazing you’re such an inspiration keep doing what your doing it will all be worth it helping many kids you are unbelievable”

“You are on point. I am amazed and appreciative of your studied knowledge and ability to articulate with such clarity that distinguishes you from most others and also your willingness to allow strangers to partake of your disciplined studies. Thank you.”

“Just wanted to say thank you, these videos are lifesavers and you are so knowledgeable in both Christianity and Islam. ❤️”


"Bro I love your videos you helped SO much and I got a 9 because of you 🥹🥹🥹”

“Ben you are a genius and a wonderful teacher. You have helped me so much in my gcse rs exam. I found it easy because i watched your video the day before. :)”


"Honestly can’t thank you enough for all of your revision videos, genuinely wouldn’t have gotten my A without you"


“Your dedication to your students and your passion for teaching are truly inspiring. Seeing you teach with so much enthusiasm has influenced me to follow in your footsteps and be somewhat near as an amazing teacher as you are to us! You always go above and beyond to make sure we not only understand the material but also feel encouraged. Your genuine care and concern for our education and social skills make a significant difference in our lives.”


“Thank you for being such an incredible teacher and a wonderful person. I'm sure I speak for many when I say that your impact extends far beyond the classroom, and I am deeply grateful for all that you do.”



"Thank you for your video so much. You are absolutely my life saver . I got a grade 9 for my gcse which I have never expected . You really helped me so much!!!"

“Why can’t my teachers teach like this? This PowerPoint is a masterpiece 😭”



“I just wanted to personally thank you for helping me, these videos have been great and have assisted me in preparing for my 2022 exam. Hopefully aiming for that grade 9 thanks to you. Best of luck with teaching”


“Wait… this actually helped me so much, THANK YOU SO MUCHHH , I was honestly getting like grade 4s💀but I watched this video and your video on Christianity, and I’m now A LOT more confident. I think I can get a 7, heck an 8!”

"Thanks Ben! On all of YouTube only you carried me forward and helped me get Grade 8 in my RS GCSE a few months ago! Thank you so much! And to anyone who sees this- I highly recommend Ben's videos. They're literally life-saving !"

“I was on a grade 4 in year 9 and we did GCSE RS in year 10. I had 2 months before the exam and started revising and found this channel 1 month before. And you got me from a 4 to a 9. I want to thank you so much, it was a massive surprise last august”


“Absolute legend. Given me so much confidence before exam”


“You are an extremely talented young man. Your videos have been a godsend. Thank you”

“omg this is literally saving my mocks thank you so much! Xox”

"Ben your saving my gcses alone thank you :)"


“Your videos are an absolute life saver - I literally cannot get a nine without them!!”


“The best RE teacher, got me my grade 8!”

"bros youtube channel is a gift from god"


"Thank you so much this helped loads just to get more of an understanding of Christianity for my exam "


“I cannot explain how much gratitude I have towards you for posting this Ben. I find this the most challenging topic in the whole of RE. Thank you thank you thank you!”

“this video was so positive and felt so human, and easy to understand unlike a lot of other revision videos , i feel so much more prepared for my exam tomorrow !! the reminders to grab some food did nothing but good for me, and as im sure many other people !!”


“This video was great for my year 11 mock! it covered everything and I managed to get 50/51, would recommend”


“genuinely cannot thank you enough, never felt so happy after an exam literally everything you covered came up”


“Went from a grade 4 in GCSE Re to an 8 in my mocks. Thank you so much these videos helped me a lot”

“I just wanted to say thank you for getting my RE grade up from a 5 to an 8 in a matter of weeks, your videos were so incredibly helpful so thank you so much !!"


“Learned more from you in an hour than my teacher in 2 years lol”



“Thank you for these videos Ben. I understand the concepts much better. You are truly a fabulous teacher. Wishing you continued success and looking forward to checking out more of your material”


“YOUR VIDEOS HAVE LITERALLY SAVED ME!!!! The way you describe and define things makes so much sense, all of the dots and strings of information have connected in my brain and just make so much more sense, and are so so clear!!! I cannot thank you enough, I have my RS exam tomorrow, you’ve literally saved me lmao!”


"hi ben i just wanted to say that i got a grade 9 in rs !! espeically with the grade boundries being so high i got 195/204 honestly couldnt of done it without your videos. i just wanted to say thank you so much for everything"


“Thank you so much honestly, this has helped me calm myself today before the exam tomorrow and I really appreciate your amazing attitude!”


“ben you've been an absolute life saver thank you so much for making these videos so easy to understand and entertaining <3”


"Hi Ben i have been using your videos to help one of my kids prepare for RS AQA.I must say your presentation ,content and explanations are absolutely fantastic. You are BRILLIANT .Thank you so much "


“Thank you so much, This has literally changed my whole revision, and the amount of work you put in for everyone else is amazing. Your explanations are clear yet informative, and you make these videos so fun, so I don’t mind sitting for an hour and a half. I know you will succeed and thank you again🙏🏾 !!!”



“Your a great teacherrrrr, I'm watching this is a last minute revision and it's honestly so good. Like easy to understand and with all the content and context we need to know. THANK YOUUU”


“an hour left til exams and YOU ARE AMAZINGGG ! i saw this video back in march and rewatching this gives me a much more better understanding on everything😁thank you smmm <3333”


"Absolute life saver! I’m doing my GCSE’S in May and you have helped me so much. Your videos are easy and fun to watch, so informative and perfect for revision. You’re amazing!!! ️"


“I'm only 20 minutes in and you're already a much better teacher than my RS teachers for the last 5 years 😆thank you for this vid!”


“Ben is our messiah😂 in all honestly, thank you for making this for us. You are definitely the means of salvation for my RS Grades”


“thank u for this video, im writing notes while watching. and i love how u make this 1+ hour lesson entertaining by telling jokes! thank u, hoping for at least a grade 6 and over in re!”


“I've got my exam tomorrow and I've just found this I've watched a part of it and I think it will help. Thank you Ben for your hard effort for doing these lessons and I really understand now 👏”


“I can’t tell you how much you’ve helped me”


"you're carrying me through GCSE RE"

“Your videos are literally so fun and interesting you don’t make learning re boring thank you Ben”


"thank you so much ben because of you I recently achieved an A* in A Level philosophy (class of 2023) and genuinely can't thank you enough because your explanation and enthusiasm really pushed me to my best potential❤❤🙏"


"Hi Ben, I am a Year 13 student studying A-level Edexcel RS and I can't stress enough how much I love your videos - they are so helpful and filled with loads of extra information you can't get from textbooks :)"

"I have been watching your videos for so long, and i have my rs mocks today so they are extremely helpful thankyou"


"Hi Ben! I just wanted to say thank you so much for all your help you’ve given me for my RS GCSE! I managed to get 50/51 on the Christianity part of the paper which is so much better than I’ve ever done and pulled through with a 7 overall. Thank you so much for all your videos and revision tips because they helped me so so much and I appreciate the work you put into your videos so much! Thank you again you’ve helped so many of us get amazing grades on our gcses and we’re all so grateful! THANK YOU 💕💕💕"

"Hi! I just wanted to say a massive thank you for all the videos you do. I have just finished my RS A-level and ended up getting a grade B when I had been getting C’s and D’s my whole way through sixth form! Your videos on the OCR content were extremely helpful as I have always found it so hard to revise for RS they definitely helped me towards getting my final grade! My whole RS class knew exactly who’s videos to watch when we were confused on a topic or just needed help with revision! Thank you so so much again :)"


"Hello Ben! I just want to come here to thank you so much for the YouTube videos that you provide since they have been so helpful for my GCSE from year 9-10. I have recently received my results and I managed to get a 9 (198/204). I am so happy thought it would be selfish not to credit you!"


"Hey Ben! You really made me fall in love with r.e and I ended up picking philosophy, religion and ethics for a levels so looks like I'll be coming back to your channel for another 2 years! I can't wait! Thank you for all your amazing help!!"


"Hi Ben, I just wanted to say thank you for your youtube videos in RS. I’ve just done my alevels and was getting Cs all year but I ended up with an A* in RS which was my weakest subject and your videos made the biggest difference! :))"


"Hey ben i just wanted to say thank you so much for all the videos you post on youtube you helped me do much and i am so happy that i worked so hard because i got a 9 in my religion gcse and i couldn’t have done it without you!! keep doing what your doing thank you❤️❤️"


"I just got my RE GCSE result and got a 9!! Thank you for great revision videos- they were so helpful"


"Thank you so much! I am currently studying for my exams and these videos have been very helpful! I’m actually starting to enjoy RS because of you- thank you"


"These are the best videos out there on gcse rs. Thank you so much please keep making them"

"Hello I got a 7 in re all because of you when I was literally at a 3 honestly your videos are amazing keep it up and I’ll always recommend u to everyone"

“I wish ben was my re teacher, he's so passionate about his work and I appreciate it so much, btw if you're reading this ben then thanks for the vid, it really helped focus on my gsce re paper I have tomorrow”


“i LOVE you thank you so much you’ve really helped me I actually don’t know where I would be tomorrow without you!”


"You ABSOLUTE LEGEND!! I've totally smashed both papers thanks to you!!! What a G :))))))"

“This video alone saved my life. This was perfect 😍”


"you’re my saviour for my mock exam tomorrow - thank you and love the video"


“Just want to say you've really helped me with this, and I'm sure many others.”

"Thank you for your fantastic videos. They really helped my home educated daughter get a great grade in her GCSE"


"Thank you for these videos Ben. I understand the concepts much better. You are truly a fabulous teacher. Wishing you continued success and looking forward to checking out more of your material"

"These videos r impecable I am so gratefull for the effort and time you put in and the personality really shines through creating trust,so thsnk you so so much!"

"Thank you so so much for this video Ben, everything is so well explained and now I have a much greater understanding of all of the topics. You are the best!"



"Brooo u saved my life"

“This is so useful 🙏This is how i'm going to get my Grade 9 >:) Thankyou!”


“Oml I’ve been struggling so much with this topic and you’ve made the penny drop FINALLY , thank you so much xx”


“Honestly watch these for fun now that I don’t need them for grades anymore. They’re interesting as hell to watch casually”


“Thank you so much for this videos, Most videos I have watched for religious studies don't really help me but this has helped so much xx”


“This video is brilliant - I really liked how you went over the basics of Christianity first because it helped me understand everything else much better. You're amazing”

"Such a long and informative video - plenty of great quotes! Thank you so much."


“Thank you so much!!! This has really helped my little sis with her revision!!! Found you quite later but will defo use you for thematic studies! Thank you so much once agin”


"im in year 12 and ofc i havent unsubscribed just because im not doing rs anymore but i just wanted to say i got a grade 9 i got 195/204 literally ALL THANKS TO YOU. YOU'RE LITERALLY AMAZING"


"this is literally so straight forward and easyyyyy thankyouuuuu from a newbie yr11!!!!!!"

"I really need to tell you that you are such a great re teacher I even watched your Christianity and Islam video and I think I did really well on my paper 1 gcse a couple days ago. also, I love how you teach, keep your green tea with you it helps  thank youuuu"


“thank you soo much for these you don't know howw helpful your videos are!!!! <3”


“You're amazing!! God bless you exams are only in 11 days your video is very helpful!”

“Well explained and informative video”

“last minute revision for tomorrow and its helped more than anything 😭”


“you are an amazing teacher”


“Thank you so much ❤️”

"I really love your content it has helped me and covered all of the content this is the best revision guide ever thanks"

“I was watching this guys tiktoks and now his guides on re, the circle of life”

“You are AMAZING !!! my gcse re exam is in just about 12 hours and i havent revised at all besides this weekend . even though i do edxcel this have been very helpful,thank you sm! hoping i pass <3”


"Thank you so much more these past paper walkthroughs! :) They are AMAZING!!! :) I look forward to more videos like these! :)"


“Dear universe....what I would be doing without you... My teacher didn't cover some topics and I was PANICKING!! Thank you so much :))”


“this genuinely helped so much with my exam thank u so much :)”


“Thanks you so much the video truly saved my RS gcse. I lost my teacher to illness at the beginning of the year and this video really helped me bring my grade up. !! Keep helping students”

“this needs more views this is so helpful, thank you so much!”

“this was so helpful such good detail that I have never been taught before thankyou!!”


“youve saved my exam from a fail to a pass this is the most helpfull video”


“this is so helpful my teachers recommended you hope all is well”


“Great video, made with passion”


"Thank you Ben! Your videos helped my daughter achieve a fantastic grade for GCSE Religious Studies!"

"Thank you so much for your RS videos they are always so useful and full of great quotes!"

“this is amazing ! I actually didn’t know it was you - i follow you on tiktok but this has been AMAZING i actually love you”

“Thankyou so much, this was so helpful!!!!!”


"Your subtle humour is great"


“Wish this guy was my teacher. I’d get a 9 easy”

“Just wanted to say thank you for all that you do!! I watched your Christianity videos and they really helped me in my gsce rs exam!! You’re an absolute icon :)”

“Literally my whole school knows about you! Your known as a saviour for all of us. thank you so much”


"you are genuinely going to be the only reason I pass RS!


“Thank you so much for your help idk what I would be doing now without your videos ❤”

“me and my friends love your vids , your saving all of our lives :)”


“thank you this was so helpful!”


“The is is the best revision Guide yet :)”


"This video really does sum up everything! I’m so grateful!!!"



"you're an absolute lifesaver for these"


“best channel on all of youtube”

"My favourite thing about this guy is that he just speaks. There are no PowerPoint, no words on the screen, or random pictures. He literally just speaks at a fast tempo, with a lot of enthusiasm and goes over the topic very thoroughly. It's literally brilliant I love it"


"Hey Ben. I have my Religious Studies GCSE Paper 2 tomorrow, and I just wanted to say that all your videos are really helpful and the way you present is very enjoyable. Thank you!"

"Mocks in 3 days and these videos are my only salvation!!!"

"Thank you soo much for this video. You are truly a life saver"


"Thank you so much for making these videos"

"Thankyou SO MUCH for this!"


"This really helped im just watching because I have end of term exams but im in yr 10 so just revision for now but i will start watching all of these as they are incredibly helpful"


“Hello, I just wanted to thank you again for helping with the aqa paper 1, most of the questions that we went through in the videos came up and I think I secured the grade 9 thanks to you!”

"these vids are gonna acc carry us through our GCSE's thanks to u of the best RS teachers"

"ahh yes! thank you so much! so funny as well!!"


"Thankyou so much for saving me in my gcse at the moment!! We love you Ben, keep up the good work :)"


"i genuinely love these videos - you are actually saving my a level rs grade. thank you"

"i love you so much you are literally the ONLY reason i might pass my rs gcses"


"Doing higher rmps and these videos are Amazing!!!!!!!!"

"you’re an absolute lifesaver, thanks for this!"


"Thank you so much! :) your Christian practices video really helped for paper 1 last week. :)))) I really appreciate all the effort you have put into your videos and helping us"

"Thanks Ben, these videos are life saversss !"

"Your such a star Ben, love your style"

"Thank you so much i feel so confident in my RE GCSE now :)"


"actually saved me "


"i've just had my exams and you made me go from a grade 6 to a 9, thank you so much"


Thankyou, love these videos! i dont often see re youtube videos as I don't think it is a popular gcse subject anymore. Glad to see you still making videos about it and helping so much!!"

"Thank you so much Ben this is a great revision resource!"


"I love your videos so much I learn so well from them."


"this is so helpful! thank you"


"These videos are extremely helpful please keep doing them they're much appreciated"

"Thanks ben you help me so much"


"Thank you for all your videos it's helped me grasp a better understanding for all key points and content needed in my exam"

"Literally as if I’m in a RS class and it’s the best teacher teaching me"


"Super great lecture--very clearly voiced and with enthusiasm and with a sense of humor"

"You are amazing at teaching! :D Really inspirational!!! Thank you for helping students like me!"


“THANK YOU SO MUCH!! These videos are really helpful!”


“Such a natural, I'm not a student but I love to view and love the way he can connect with people.”


“Thank you so much Ben, I have my mocks after Christmas and this has helped me so much. I've been watching you from GCSEs and you have always been amazing. Keep it up!”


“Thank you for this, it was so helpful and I learn so much from watching your videos!”

“Thankyou for this, so helpful !!”


“Thank you so much for this as though I am a year 10 this is helping me a lot as I have been getting 5s in this subject and how your videos is going to help me re going to help me get that grade 9 next year thank you.”


“You know what ..fair play to you Ben 👏. You have been working so hard for years committing to teaching others on YouTube and you have helped so many people and are still helping individuals studying philosophy including myself. Thanks a lot 😊”


“These videos are absolutely awesome!!!!!! They cover all of the stuff that I need to know in a very concise format. Watching these videos and taking notes, then looking back at my classwork has helped me learn so much”


“this channel is SOO good, it’s helped my grades so much i’ve gotten full marks on the past couple of tests after using your channel i was getting just above half marks before!”


“Hi Ben! I'm a year 11 student and I find your videos for RE Themes very useful. I've always used you as my main source of revision and in my last mocks I got 100% for Themes A & B”.


“I cannot stress enough how grateful I am for these videos!! They are so helpful :)”


“Thank you BEN 🎉🎉🎉”


“you are literally a flipping lifesaver man!!! i am spam printing out screenshots of your whole video because i have a mock 1st period tomorrow. all thanks to you, in my last mock i got a grade 9!!! 70/72. fucking lifesaver ben you are the goat. <3”


“Thank you so much I really understand your way of teaching my exam is in 20 days I’m doing my best thanks to your video they are helping me out so much”


“This channel has really helped me a lot even in year 11 mocks in January i didn't revise or know how to basically then i found your channel then i decided to give it a try and that was how i got a grade 8 in my mocks i was so excited thanks”


“So greatful. My RPE GCSE is in a weeks time and this is the most impactful, efficient revision i've found for this subject! Thankyou Ben”


“OMG love your videos so much cant emphasize how grateful i am for ur vids. Ur a literal lifesaver. I have been watching ur videos since year 9 now im in year 11. Hopefully i can get a good grade because of you! <3”

"THANK YOUU I have my R.S exam next Thursday this is so helpful!"


"You covered so much at a quick pace, great video dude!"


“i’m new in the uk and joined in year 11. my school is a CofE school and it’s compulsory to take religious studies. i did the mock not knowing a thing and they predicted me a 3. i didn’t know how i was going to learn a year of content in a few months but all i did was watch all your videos on on beliefs, practices and my schools thematic studies and i’m as confident and knowledgable as ever for my exams on the ninth. Thank you so much ben you’ve saved my gcse!!”


“Extremely helpful, I appreciate this post a lot. Thanks for putting the time into making these videos for us You got me a grade 7 in my mock!”



“Hello Ben , I would just like to thank you for your videos on Religious studies both Christianity and Islam. I was able to successfully answer a 12 marker on the Eucharist, I cannot thank you enough. – Lily”


“Hi Ben, I just want to thank you so much for your videos on YouTube, I'm honestly not sure what I would have done without them! You are honestly a lifesaver and I hope you feel extremely proud of yourself for all the good you are doing. I had my first RS exam today and I can assure you it went very well all thanks to your help! I spent all of last night watching your videos with my family as well and they also love you, keep up the great work!”


“Thank you so much for ur videos. You saved me today”


“Hi Ben, I just want to let you know that I had my first RE exam today and I couldn’t have done it without your help!! Thank you so much for all your videos and keep going with them.”


“Hi Ben, just wanted to say that my gcse RE exam is tomorrow. I've only just discovered your channel on YouTube but it has helped me so much and I have shared with my friends. You have filled me with knowledge and confidence I need to pass this exam. Thank you so much for the videos and for your amazing help, you are brilliant!”


“Thank you so much Ben!”




“Honestly I cannot thank you enough for how absolutely quintessential the quality of your videos are! Absolutely blissed on that Paper today all because of you! Thank you so much for your really detailed videos too.”


“I’ve never felt so confident after my exam. Thanks so much !!!!”




“You were truly magnificent Ben Wardle. I will never forget you for as long as I live.”


“if i pass RE then its because of this man”


“thanks Ben for getting me through gcse re!”


“got rs paper 1 today. i’ve watched this video and lots of ur other ones so much, ty for being my best form of revision 🫶”


“i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu keep it uppp”




“watching this like netflix the night before my exam good luck everyone!!!!”


“You are single handedly saving my philosophy grade thanks for doing these epic videos”




“Ben Wardle the legend”


“I love the idea that this guy just gets a spike in views every summer as people panic and cram over their exam tomorrow”






“You are a GOD SEND BEN!!!”


“So real Ben ur my favourite we talk about you every day”


“omg I love you i have my exam tomorrow in the morning you're a complete life saver”


“actually blessing my exams thank you🙏”


“Ben Wardle the GOAT frfr”


“good luck everyone tomorrow! 🥲and thank you so much for the video💗”


“thank you king 🙏🙏”

“thank you so much”


“Good luck to everyone for tommorow and I just wanted to say thank you so much for these videos they are amazing and you are an awesome teacher!!!”


“In year 10 in march I got 5,I thought I was never going to get a good grade and was doing so bad until I found ur videos.They are so good and detailed,and because of ur videos I was able to achieve a 7!!! Thank you so much u changed everything!!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉”


“god bless u honestly”


“he's amazing gonna actually carry my exam tmr”


“my re exam is literally tomorrow and i just found you the other day and yiuve already helped me understand things massively tysm”


“ik its a cliche but u hv actually taught me more in your two islam videos than 2 yrs of lessons. Got test tomorrow and i cant stress how much better i feel after this.”


“No literally tho. I have my exam tomorrow morning and this was brilliant”


“my exam is tomorrow you are saving me 🥲”


“Day before the exam pray for me 😭😔 also your such a good teacher your saving my life rigt naw thank uu ❤”


“you talk at the perfect speed oml”


“thank you Ben! watching this as some extra revision for Paper 1 tomorrow and it's so helpful!!”


“Wow thank you so much for these quotes this can help boost my grades! im currently sitting at an 8 and im trying to get a 9! 😄”


“I love you ben Wardle”


“day before rs gcse, thank you so much!”


“Such helpful videos”


“RS exam literally tomorrow, thank you so much”


“It's my paper 1 exam tomorrow, thanks for all the videos and wish me luck!”


“I've been watching your revision videos religiously, and I would just like to say how much they are useful at covering all the topics with all the information I'd ever need, thank you! 😄”


“Finally done with paper 1 content I would be no where without this guy I swr”


“ben you're a life saver x”


“Bruh I hope many people don't see this video or the Grade boundaries for a 9 are gonna explode 💊”


“thank you so much for your incredible videos! these are getting me through my RS GCSE!”


“this was so so helpful”


“These videos have been really helpful for my GCSE revision, I havent found anything as helpful as your videos. Thank you for putting all this work into them!”


“thanks goat i got a 9 in my mocks all because of u 👑👑 hopefully the same with gcses x”


“You literally save my life”


“I really appreciate how you laid the argument out simply, my notes are all over the place.”


“i love u ben wardle”


“your run through videos have been incredibly helpful can't wait to use it in three days😫”


“thankyou ben you're a lifesaver”




“love ur vids tysm”




“Thank you! So helpful for revision as the exam is in just 3 days!!”






“this is so excellent thank you”


“the best video i've ever watched of yours!! ur great :)”


“having a green tea while saving my gcses in 4 days”


“thanks! it helped a lot.”


“i’m new in the uk and joined in year 11. my school is a CofE school and it’s compulsory to take religious studies. i did the mock not knowing a thing and they predicted me a 3. i didn’t know how i was going to learn a year of content in a few months but all i did was watch all your videos on on beliefs, practices and my schools thematic studies and i’m as confident and knowledgable as ever for my exams on the ninth. Thank you so much ben you’ve saved my gcse!! ❤”


“thank you!”


“Saving my life right now”


“Many thanks i have my first paper (edexcel ) on Thursday and i did not know anything till i found your channel”


“Thank you!”


“So helpful!”


“this video was so helpful so can you plss do a video about  consolidation questions about islam practises”


“Thanks so much!”


“You're hand gestures and facial expressions are legendary!:)”


“thankyou so much! my gcse is next week on the 9th wish me luck guys :)”


“Your videos made me get 93% on my test. Thank you”


“saving my grades atm”


“your videos are so helpful!!”


“thank you so much”


“Paper 1 next week ahhh! Thank you so much for these videos, they have been so incredibly helpful.”


“The academic comeback is gonna be crazy next week, thank you”


“Thanks !”


“THANK YOUU I have my R.S exam next Thursday this is so helpful!”


“You covered so much at a quick pace, great video dude!”


“bro re made me know the opposing religion more than my own religion........... that is so illegal.......”


“I just wanted to say i am so glad to see your face and that i love you and i would polish ur boots for u even if they were covered in mud becuase i know i can rely on u to help me pass my exam thank you so much!!”


“such a helpful video for a topic I really struggled with. Thank you Ben!”


“i went from a grade 3 to a grade are a life saver”


“Hey ur videos are so helpfullll !!!!!”


“Literally saved me from failing. Love the vids ben.”




“so helpful thank you”


“got my exams soon thank you so much for these videos!!”




“Hi Ben! I’m a GCSE RE student who had my AQA Paper 1. I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the videos that you’ve been uploading to YouTube. It made the paper a breeze today, and the videos been absolutely invaluable to my revision and have kept my grade high all the way through my GCSE. I wish there was one of you for every subject!! Thank you”


“Hello there, I do hope your well 😂 Just did my RS exam today and your YouTube video really helped me. I’ve been getting 4’s and 5’s pretty much all the time and then on the last test I did before this I got an 8 because of your video. It really simplifies it and is a lot more efficient and enjoyable than being taught it in school.”




“You are actually the biggest life saver. I have been watching your videos for about 3 months and have gone from a grade 4 to a grade 9 in the span of a few months. Additionally, the gsce paper was a breaze. I cannot thank you enough.”

“Thank you so much Ben wardle!! Because of your videos i feel confident and not afraid anymore to face the exam!! Bless you! You helped a lot of people for their exams and i appreciate it 🫶🫶”

“I just wanna say thank you so much. Our teacher left us whilst we were doing a two year course in 1. Eventually, I have had to teach it myself and you helped me get the top grades!! I just wish I saw this video because I had no quote for Ashura!!!! Which of course came up this year. |But other than that, I did very well all thanks to you. Thank you so much!!!”


“This video was a life saver”


“Oh Ben Wardle I am gonna lick those curls of yours after the Eucharist 12 maker. Not a threat a promise. A declaration of my gratitude. Naming my first born Benwardle girl or boy”


“Hiii ive been watching your videos since year 9!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM!! TYSM FOR WHAT YOUR DOING (you don’t know how much this means to me) i just have one thing to ask, could you pleaseee make a video like this with the big tables like you did in this one but for Islam pleaseee Thank you sooo much again (btw my exam is on thursday and i do short course aqa)”

“hi! i just wanted to say your quotes for christianity and islam the day before the exam were amazing, i memorised them all and felt really confident on all the questions”

“thank you ben very helpful”

“The best, watched your video on Christian beliefs and teachings last night and really helped with the influence questions today! Thank you :) 🫶🏻”

“I really appreciate how you laid the argument out simply, my notes are all over the place.”

“thanks! it helped a lot.”

“This is absosulty amazing the way u explain is is wonmdrfrull i urge your to make more ocr re videos very good thnank you for all the help”



“Thank you so much I got my exam tomorrow 😢😢😢”

“your a good teacher thank you for helping me get a grade 8 in my rs gcse your just the best :)"

“Hi Ben I watched your videos for religious studies paper 1 you helped so much thankyou very much”


“genuine lifesaver - ur the reason why i'm getting a grade 9”


“Thank you soooo much Ben wardle! This is so helpful u literally saved me ❤❤ bless you!!! I literally thought I was gonna fail 😢”


“Hello, I watched you head of year videos and they are amazing, thank you. I have an interview this week. Any hints and tips. I have to complete a task, which I think will be a reply to an angry parent or an in tray. X”


“hi ben! your videos have been so helpful- thanks!!”


“Hi Ben Wardle, I just wanna say thanks for your videos and resources online. They have been such a big help in my Religious studies journey”


“Hi Ben, I just wanted to say a massive thank you for your incredible GCSE RE revision videos. I’m home educated and myself and my mum are working through the RE course by ourselves. Your videos have been such a huge help! Exam technique is always something I have struggled with, and sadly it’s not something my mum can really help with! Your videos have absolutely saved me this GCSE season, thank you”


“Hi Ben I watched your videos for religious studies paper 1 you helped so much thankyou very much”


“You deserve so much more subscribers !😭😭 these videos are so helpful! On my last exam one of the 12 markers you mentioned came up and I was so happy! Thank you so much your a life saver❤ genuinely though idk how else to thank you”


“Legend Ben, got my edexcel paper 2 Islam in 3 days. Needed this”    “


“RE paper 2 on thursday thank you very much you've helped me so much in my mocks and paper 2 hoping you will carry me to a 9 and give me enough of a foundation for philosophy next year”


“you're all i need for my gcses”


“Saving my life!”


“can you do one for theme E please 😭😭 ur videos r soooo usefulllll”


“bro saving me for thursday. if ur reading this, THANKS!!!”


“Gl everyone w the next exam on thursday! Ben ur a lifesaver thank you so much”


“Thankyou Ben. As somebody who doesn’t revise a lot this is really informative and I’ll be sure to recommend your videos to my friends who also have their RE paper 2 coming up ❤”


“Hello sir, I'm not sure if you'll get to see this message, but I just wanted to thank you for all the time that you have dedicated towards teaching on this channel. I have just completed both my Religious studies papers, and I am happy to say I think they went quite well.

Thank you again, God bless you <3”


“Just wanted to thankyou for everything you do on YouTube for GCSE RE. I sat both papers and I couldn't thank you enough for your videos. I managed to write 11 pages for paper 2 and felt so confident all thanks to you. RE is my favourite subject and you made it so much easier. Thankyou Ben”


“Hi Ben, just wanted to say that your videos are amazing!”


“Thanks again for the time and effort you put into those videos and helping reach a high grade 🙏✝️☪️💕”


“Hi Ben, I just wanted to say thank you for creating videos on YouTube for RS, I’ve done my paper 1 exam and my paper 2 is tomorrow, you have made RS so much easier for me and I even got a 9 in my mock thanks to your videos. I find them so so so helpful!!!”


“Your amazing you saved me paper 1 Re”


“Hi! Love your YouTube videos, please could you make videos on the AQA Philosophy A level course?? There are so many of us that would love that”


“hi ben! your videos have been so helpful- thanks!!”


“Hi Ben Wardle, I just wanna say thanks for your videos and resources online. They have been such a big help in my Religious studies journey”


“just did the second paper I’ll be back here on results day inshallah I do well”


“u acc saved my life today and last thursday thankyou! grade nine incoming and its all thanks to u!💕”


“Just wanted to give you a big thanks !  Did my exams today & it was an absolute breeze! can’t wait for my results”


“Hey Ben I’ve finished paper 2 and I just wanted to say thank you so much for these videos you have truly helped me a lot I literally went from a grade 2 to grade 9 in my mocks, I’m hoping for above a 7 ❤️”


“Thanks so much for your help in my rs gcse. rs is finally over and I’m very happy with my performance in both papers !!!!!”




“Thank you so much you single handedly made my revision”


“Thank you sooo much for this video my exam is in abt 1hr and 45 and this video has helped me so much and deepend my understanding. youre a legend!!”


“I'm about to go into my rs paper 2 exam and this has been a heaven sent for me thank you so much”


“watching this getting ready and on the bus to my exam just to go over anything. THANKYOU BEN THIS IS AMAZINGGGG AND THEY ARE CONCISE AND AMAZINGGG!! DOING GODS WORK FR”

“It’s 2:30am and I’m just watching this. This is great🔥🏃‍♀️💨”


“I love u”




“youre such a legend”


“GOOD LUCK FOR TOMORROW ALL 2024 STUDENTS - YOU'LL SMASH IT <3 thank you so much Ben, saved my life”


“I love all your videos, it really really helps for the exam, thank you so much for everything that you do, thank youuuuuu! ❤”


“binge watching all your like 1 hour vids night before... this is so clear though literally perfect thanks so much and you're so funny too”


“So helpful exam is tomorrow!”


“i love u ur the reason i get 9s in mocks hope i get it for my gcses”


“saved my gcse”


“thankyou so much!!!!!!!! you have the best RS videos on youtube”


“these vids are amazing”


“bros saving us🙏”


“u saved me with paper 1, everything u talked abt showed up i was literally thanking u in my head during that exam so now im here for tmr paper 2”


“Never thought I would be watching a revision video and actually enjoying it. You are able to make me enjoy learning!”


“Lifesaver to go over all the topics in detail before the exam tomorrow!!!”


“Yo this actually saved my gcse I didn’t clock I had re paper 2 tmr and your vids on the themes genuinely taught me everything, tysm”

“Watching this the NIGHT BEFORE MY RE EXAM and this is helping me so much..i have been binge watching your channel 😭😭”


“you're such a lifesaver thank you so much for these videos! praying it all goes well tomorrow good luck everyone!!”


“im watching theme a, c,d,e for tmros exam, thes vids are a lifesaver”


“Same man, it's helped!”


“can you do one for theme E please 😭😭 ur videos r soooo usefulllll”


“Legend Ben, got my edexcel paper 2 Islam in 3 days. Needed this”


“Thank you! Saving my RE grade every time!”


“ben thank you!!!”


“Got rs GCSE in a few days this is much needed thanks”


“Our Lord and saviour! 🙏”


“Nice Video 😀👍”


“THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I have end of topic tomorrow on this you came in the nick of time :)”


“Thank you so much, I struggle with these and have and end of topic tomorrow, now I feel soooo much more prepared.”


“thank you so much for this video can you please do THEME E & F please”


“Thank you, i really needed this”


“good luck everyone!”


“Thank you so much I got my exam tomorrow 😢😢😢”


“Hiii 💞💞ive been watching your videos since year 9!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM!! TYSM FOR WHAT YOUR DOING (you don’t know how much this means to me)”


“Hey Ben! I just wanted to thank you so much for all of the videos you uploaded, you helped me so much with my RS exams and they went really well because of your help.”


“Hello Ben!! I just wanted to message you as I had my last re exam yesterday. I had done months of revision and if it wasn’t for your page and revision I wouldn’t have been able to know everything I did and feel confident enough to do it. Thank you so much for all the help you gave without even knowing how useful it was!!”


“you helped me so much in my RE exam i love you”


“Just wanted to say a huge thank you for everything you do. My son and I have been listening to your YouTube videos relentlessly for the last 3 weeks to help him prepare for his RS GCSE exams. They have been super helpful to the point he is thinking about doing RS A level. We can’t thank you enough and will miss hearing your voice now it’s all over. Keep sipping on that green tea and don’t forget to keep hydrated!”


“thank u so much, as a alevel student doing her alevels in 2 weeks with barely any revision, these videos are helping me understand this subject that i struggle with so much.”


“Your videos have actually seriously helped me so much with GCSE RS!! Thank you so much and I'll keep watching your channel throughout A-Level :))”


“I use BBC Bitesize for Christianity & Islam, it is good for refreshing yourself but my favourite is Ben Wardle on YouTube. He has these AMAZING videos that cover AQA R.E! He explains really well and gives lots of key quotes to include. He honestly makes me like R.E! This is his channel:”


“I am Muslim so I find islam easier lol, but I recommend watching Ben Wardle on YouTube. His videos are good and to the point and have helped me pass my exams. He does both Christianity and Islam. Hope this helps.”

“I recommend watching Ben Wardle on YouTube. He’s a professional RE teacher and helped me and others get really good grades!”


“I like Ben Wardle on youtube - his videos are very useful and explain concepts well”


“I found Ben Wardle really useful yesterday for RS Buddhism. His videos are really interesting and funny. I know he also has videos on Themes too”


“i literally love him!!! hes the only helpful rs teacher on yt tbh he saved my grades!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


“There's also Ben Wardle on YouTube who's amazing when it comes to summarising the content.”


“I have heard people say Ben wardle on youtube is a good way of revision as he gives agree and disagree points. I have not started revision either but I am mainly learning from the text book and doing past paper questions. I hope this helps”


“I love Ben Wardle!!!!!”


“He litch covers content with quotes and examples. Icl he was my only source of revision and I banged the test. So much love to him”


“Watch Ben Wardle, he's really helpful”


“Ben Wardle videos on YouTube- honestly so so sooo good and helpful”


“Watch Ben Wardle videos for your notes and then start learning quotes because the actual information is easy and you will 100% remember the bases of each topic”


“if you search into YouTube 'Ben Wardle' his videos are really great. He explains everything really clearly and there is quotes among them.”


“Thank you Ben, you're an absolute miracle for my A-level!!”



“Hey, I am an a level student studying philosophy and ethics at sixth form, just wanna say thank you for your videos!! They have really helped me and encouraged me to actually really like the subject (before I found it really hard) thanks a lot!!”


“Dear Ben,

I just wanted to send you a quick email thank you so much for the amazing videos and resources for GCSE AQA religious studies. You helped my son so much with his understanding, revision and question practice. You also helped me to support my son through his GCSE. You are fantastic. I just wanted to let you know how much you are appreciated and what a difference you make"


“such a useful video- thank you for your help!”

“Thank you so much, Ben .”

“I really value all of your A level religious studies youtube videos and they got me though GCSE as well.”

“Hey, I am an a level student studying philosophy and ethics at sixth form, just wanna say thank you for your videos!! They have really helped me and encouraged me to actually really like the subject (before I found it really hard) thanks a lot!!”

“Hey Ben! I just wanted to thank you so much for all of the videos you uploaded, you helped me so much with my RS exams and they went really well because of your help.”

“love this video, its so helpful as I have my exam tomorrow!!”


“This was super helpful! Thank you so much!”

“First off, fantastically interesting and brilliantly done video - I really enjoyed this as a Christian. Your presentations are superb, and your oral delivery is very clear and full of character.”


“Your videos are a credit to you and I can imagine the multitude of young people who benifit greatly from your content and in-school teaching - you're family should be very proud!”


“Thank you so much Ben, your videos are always so helpful. This video has really reassured me that Dialogues are nothing to be scared of, they are just longer 15 mark questions. And just in time for my A Level Religious studies Paper 2 exam. I hope you can share your passion for teaching with more people, I wish more teachers would bring fun to teaching and keeping students like myself engaged”


“you cant tell me that this man is not amazing”


“Your YT videos have saved me!!! Please keep making them theyre so useful”


“You are a wonderful human being”


“I'm going to name my first born child Ben Wardle because you have saved me brother”


“I mean obviously if they have such an amazing teacher they're gonna do well im so Jealous”


“teaching me more than my actual teacher has, thanku!!”


“my first RS a level is tomorrow, you are a lifesaver”


“thank you sm king, saving a levels for me”


“this was insanely helpful thank you!”


“Thank you sooo much for all of the exam help, you have single-handedly saved my exams. You are a gift from god!!!”


“you single-handedly SAVED my religious studies a level i love you sm my QUEEN i’ve been following your tiktoks for years and your youtube videos are so helpful my friends and i all love you SO MUCH THANK YOU”


“hi i just wanted to let you know i couldn’t do my rs alevel without your videos - and my Gcse / you’ve helped me massively and feeling more confident for tomorrow paper 1 x”


“Hey Ben!! I know you don’t know me. I just wanted to let you know that your YouTube videos on ethics, philosophy and Christianity honestly saved me for these a level exams. They were so helpful!! Thank you”


“I nearly got full ums marks in rs 2023 just by binge watching his summary videos, over 1hr long often hearing the allusion to twix bars representing the trinity and the green tea present 😅 then I would make anki flashcards then banging out past papers the night before. I look back with pride especially when I was a targeted grade 5 student looked down by teachers (oh boy did I prove them wrong and in my other subjects on results day. This subject triggered my success to getting a clean sweep of 11 grade 9s respectively not just the highest attainer but most progressed from a lower starting point. It's truly humbling where longgg hard work can get you) Anyway, even one year on I'm thankful for the way Ben hits the specification near perfect without boring me as I would often find with a cgp guide.”


“you are a life saver!! thank u xx”


“thank you so much for the vids ive just finished my alevels and u have helped me soo much - God bless”


“this is helping me for my mocks tysm <3”


“Love your videos soooo much .literally 😢❤”


“saving me for ethics tomorrow oh my GOD”


“Thank you 👌🏻”


“I just wanted to thank you- I’m an a level RS student and my teacher was off for 3 months in the first year and then he left a few weeks into year 13. My school couldn’t find anyone to replace him so we had a psychology teacher as a sub who just read out the textbook. I didn’t understand RS at all and I found teaching myself new concepts really difficult. That’s when I typed up AQA a level religious studies into YouTube and came across your channel. I cannot tell you just how thankful I am for your videos- I watched all of them that were on AQA and made mind maps off every video and just learnt what was on them. In my exam I walked in with something to say for every question- a position I didn’t think I’d be in. I wanted you to know that you literally have saved my a level- you are incredible at making such difficult concepts easier to understand. Thank you for your videos you are really making a difference”


“I love your videos - getting me through A-Level Religious Studies !!! Last exam tomorrow :)”


“This man got me through my gcse. God damn it hes gonna get me through my alevel”


“Ben we love you”


“paper 2 on monday and been so nervous. this has been so helpful thank u”


“I don't know what I'd do w out you TYSM”


“Thank you so much for making these videos, my philosophy teacher makes me feel so stupid sometimes but you talk in a way that's so comforting and easy to understand! You saved me 🤣💗”


“ben!! I have officially watched all of your paper 2 videos, thank you for preparing me for my exam, couldn't have done it without you. legend xx”


“Literally same hes a legend im sooo grateful for these videos his videos are PERFECT may God bless you ben!!!!!!”


“your videos are the best !!!!!”


“thankyou so much !!!”

“Thank you ben!”


“You are a wonderful human being”


“I'm going to name my first born child Ben Wardle because you have saved me brother”


“I mean obviously if they have such an amazing teacher they're gonna do well im so Jealous”


“teaching me more than my actual teacher has, thanku!!”


“my first RS a level is tommorrow, you are a lifesaver”


“As someone taking Religious Studies afresh in my gap year, this is so helpful. God bless you”


“Hello Ben. Your informative video on the design arguments has helped me so much”


“Thank you do much, legend”


“Never stop doing these! You are saving lives out here!!! Thankyou <3”


“These are amazing looking forward to the self death and afterlife revision video ❤”


“I've got a mock soon, you lifesaver”


“just watched the whole vid the night before my exams and it’s been a massive help🙏”


“Thank you for these videos they’re so so helpful!”




“You're a real one Ben”


“Thankyou so much”

“Mr wardle I genuinely want to say thank you for your a level AQA religious studies video they were so amazing the enthusiasm when you teach is really what helped me understand and made me very enthusiastic myself I've always loved learning about religion and I'm religious myself and the way you are so respectful and understanding of all religions made me respect you more than I really did anyway I am so grateful for your videos and i really appreciate you!!!!”

“You helped me pass my RS a level a year or so ago and I’m so greatful! Your videos were amazing and helped massively for revision notes and essays I was writing. Thank you so much!”


“these are so helpful; thank you so so so much! in future, could you make more ocr a level videos and possibly some on hinduism / buddhism aqa gcse? again, i’m incredibly grateful for your channel!”


“Thank you 💕”


“Thank you for this educational video of liberation theology. Looking forward to see more of your content.”


“You saved my life with these quotes for my mocks thx so much.”

“Omg I aam here a day before my mock and I feel soo confident 😭thankyou ever soo much dude you are a LIFE SAVER ♥️”


“I nearly got full ums marks in rs 2023 just by binge watching his summary videos, over 1hr long often hearing the allusion to twix bars representing the trinity and the green tea present 😅 then I would make anki flashcards then banging out past papers the night before. I look back with pride especially when I was a targeted grade 5 student looked down by teachers (oh boy did I prove them wrong and in my other subjects on results day. This subject triggered my success to getting a clean sweep of 11 grade 9s respectively not just the highest attainer but most progressed from a lower starting point. It's truly humbling where longgg hard work can get you)

Anyway, even one year on I'm thankful for the way Ben hits the specification near perfect without boring me as I would often find with a cgp guide….honestly for GCSE re that top grade 8/9 is so attainable with this YouTube channel!!!”


“i just spent the last 7 hours watching this and making notes lol”


Hey Ben!! I got an A* in A Level RS PURELY because of your help and I am so grateful. I had 7 different RS teachers over the two year A level course due to various circumstances,  and with no consistency in class, I really struggled. Your videos were the greatest resource and i recommend you to everyone I know studying the subject. I’m now off to uni to study philosophy and history so THANK YOU for getting me here. Much love and appreciation”


“Hey Ben!!! Just wanted you to know that I got an A in RS and it’s all thanks to you!!! Love you legend”


“Hello , I just thought I would thank you for how much you have helped me with my religious studies OCR A level , I never achieved A grades in the whole of year 13 but I was able to get an A , your videos have worked wonders . I am really interested in becoming a secondary school teacher but I’m not sure if uni is the route for me , do you have any suggestions for me ?”


“Hello, i just want to say thank you so so so much, i was predicted Cs and honestly because of you i got an A*. you saved my A levels you are amazing!!!!”


“hi ben, today i opened my results to an A* in ocr RS and just wanted to say thank you for your videos i think i have watched all of them at least twice and they have genuinely made all the difference! keep up the good work it means s loads, your students have a fantastic teacher”


“I want to say thank you soooo much for your help and the youtube vids , me and my class of 3 had a very inconsistent teacher and decided to start watching . One of the girls in my class went to Oxford with a A and I’m off to UCL with a B . Couldn’t of done it w/o you , thank you”


“Hi Ben!  I've been watching your Religious studies youtube since gcses and am still continuing to watch them as I'm about to go into Year 13. I am taking a different exam board (edexcel) for A level and so everytime I see one of your videos which is also relevant to my course I get so excited as they are genuinely amazing! Thank you so much for putting all the time effort and energy into your youtube channel!”

“HI BEN!! I just have to message you to tell you a massive THANK YOU. You literally saved my A level. I watched all your AQA religious studies videos and you made the content so interesting, easy to learn and revision enjoyable whilst giving me the odd laugh. There is honestly no teacher as good as you. Religious studies was the a level I was most scared for, but I ended up getting AAA and into my dream university!! Thank you so much for all the videos, I wish I could thank you more!! Hope you get all the good things you deserve in life!”


“Hi Ben, I hope you are well and enjoying the summer break. I’m an RE teacher and HOY just like you (juggling the two is fun at times!). I have just been given the Alevel Development in Christian Thought modules to teach. Your revision YouTube videos have been amazing and I’ll definitely point students to watch them”


“Hello Ben!  I have loved watching your journey as motivation when times have been tough - the work you do is incredible!  I have a year 7 form next year   I have seen how passionate you are about Greatness being a choice and I think it is really actionable and clear for students, and makes clear that high expectations are to push and challenge students to be their best versions, rather than just rules for rules' sake”


“I wanted to say thank you so, so much. I'm an external candidate who, due to extenuating circumstances, self-studied Religious Studies A-level in less than six months. I struggle to keep my attention on a textbook, but my mum and I watched your videos and I was able to remain engaged and enthusiastic. I achieved an A in Religious Studies today, which I am really happy with, as the only teacher advice I went in with was that from your videos. Thank you again, I hope you have the most wonderful year!!”


“literally i go to a boarding school that’s pretty high up for RS and genuinely i learned more from you! lots of love you are a man of the people truly!”


“Hi Ben I just wanted to say thank you so much for all your help and support throughout my GCSE RS! I got an 8 ( just 3 marks off a 9!!) and I’ll be watching you for A level RS aiming for an A!  so please keep sipping your green tea and helping us achieve those great grades”






“hi Ben wardle just wanted to let you know you saved my gcses I was predicted a 2 in rs and told to drop the subject but just received the results today and got a 6!! All your videos helped so much”


“hi ben, just wanted you to know that you actually saved my religious studies gsce, i was so lost before my exam but i watched all of your youtube videos and i am so happy with my grade. your videos helped me so much and im so grateful for them 😁 you’re an amazing teacher and i cant thank you enough”


“hi ben! i just wanted to thank you so much for helping me with re!! with your videos i managed to get an 8 (2 marks off a 9) !! im so proud of myself and i just wanted to thank you for all your help!”


“I don’t know if you will see this but I would like to thankyou for your YouTube because without you I would have failed my exam but because of you I managed to get a grade 7 on my gcse”


“Hi Ben 🙂 You don’t know me but I got my RS results today for GCSE and I managed to get a 6 thanks to your videos!! I had struggled with revision as I’ve been home educated throughout the past few years, I basically had to teach myself and I didn’t really know the content until just a couple weeks before the exams when I found your videos! I had watched your comedy ones a long time ago, so I was happy to see a familiar face teaching. I really don’t know how I would’ve even passed without your lessons, let alone a 6. Thank you so so much!!”


“Hello, I don’t know if you will see this but I got a grade 8 in my RE and I am one of a 9 so I am getting a remark- I just wanted to say I couldn’t have got it without you so thank you !”


“I GOT A 7”


“Me and my friend both got a 9 in RS thanks so much buddy”


“Hello! In honour of it being nearly a year since results day, I just wanted to say thank you very much to you and your amazing videos for helping me secure my 9 in GCSE RE”


“i honestly cant thank you enough,I recieved my results today and got a 9 in rs only dropping 8 marks overall,your videos were the only revision source i used!!”


“Went from a 5 in y10 mocks to a 9 in the real thing after I started watching you! I didn't think that was even possible. Thanks Ben”


“I switched to a Church of England school where the RE Short course was mandatory. Having never studied RE before, I was completely lost. Fortunately, I found your videos, which were my sole study resource. After just a month of using your materials, I was astonished to receive a grade 8 in my first mock exam. Today, I received my GCSE result and achieved another grade 8. I am incredibly grateful for your videos. Thank you very much for saving my grade :)”


“I went from a 1 in my mock to a 7 in the real gcse thanks to you thank you so much Ben.”


“Just got my result and you single handley saved my result I love you real bad 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖”


“Hi Ben, I just wanted to thank you so much for your help. I just got my results today, and I got an 8 in RS thanks to you :)”

“I GOT AN 8 for re”


“it was 194/204 and I lit got full marks on christianity because I watched every one of your christianity videos!!”


“You carried my RE GCSE I can’t thank you enough for your videos they really helped me! I just hope I got a good grade!”


“To be honest your videos and exam technique guidance is what helped me through gcse rs, hope my work pays off  - feeling nervous!! Thank you for everything Ben!”


“I did my rs a level and didn’t have very good teachers. I got a B thanks to your videos”


“I hope you are well as you say in your videos!! I am sure you get emails and comment like this every single day but I truly truly truly want to THANK YOU SO MUCH for your incredible videos which, I am not being dramatic whatsoever, truly took me to a grade 9 in RS! The level of detail and above and beyond info in your videos is simply excellent and I will never forget your help and encouragement throughout the GCSE period. I truly want to thank you for all your effort and time - you are a fabulous teacher!”



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